Friday, February 21, 2014


I don't really know where to start. I could start with excuses as to why I haven't kept up with this blog but I don't really have a good one. I could start by trying to fill in the empty spaces and stories that I haven't told but that would be overwhelming. So I will start with the reason I have decided to make an intentional effort to tell me stories here again. 

A couple weeks ago a friend contacted me about prepping for her vet school interview. I remembered a few things but really couldn't recall most of the day I had my interview. (It was only 3 years ago. I know, sad.) Thankfully I had written about it on this blog and could easily go back and read all about it. It was so fun to go back and remember all that was happening around that time in my life. I have a pretty terrible memory when it comes to the little things in life and so it's really nice to be able to go back and read about all the little events that have shaped the life I live today. 

So, it may just be a few short lines but I am really going to make an intentional effort to record the little things that go on in my corner of the world. 

This week I had a family of skunks move in under my house. I have never smelled anything like it. They sprayed a lot! It didn't even smell like a skunk it was soooo strong. Then my heater quit working and Cooper rolled in some kind of animal poop while he was playing outside. This all happened within about 12 hours. I might have shed a few tears when Cooper came in, covered in poop. I was mainly just really frustrated with my landlord. 

It really wasn't a bad week just a little overwhelming. 

But Sabbath started with this sky and I have so many things to be thankful for. 

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