Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'm at our yearly Oklahoma campmeeting right now. I'm having such a great time and so far the speakers have really been a blessing.
I have been so busy lately but just wanted to stop in and say I'm still alive. :) I hope everyone is having as good a summer as I am. I hope to share more soon.
P.s. This is from my phone so I hope it works.
This is how we roll at campmeeting. a "3D" tandem bike ride.


Elle said...

Aw I miss camp meeting! Enjoy it!

Anne588 said...

Hey Allyson,I really like your blog although I almost never comment. I received the "Liebster Blog" award and I wanted you to have it, too. So, please come over to my blog to see how exactly it works.
Have a great day!

Elisa said...

Best place, best people, best picture! Ever!