Wednesday, September 19, 2012

a first.

The past week has been a little crazy to say the least. I had my first big test of the semester last Friday and then studied all weekend (yes, that includes Saturday night) for a big test on Monday and then started frantically studying for the test I took this morning. I think I can take a breather for a few minutes to catch up on daily life, but not for long. I have another round of stuff coming up in the next few weeks. I'm not complaining though. The weather has been awesome and my classes are so much more interesting this semester. 

Yesterday I did something that I have never done before. I locked my keys in my trunk. I have never, in my 7 years of driving, even come close to locking myself out. I'm kind of paranoid about it... 

As soon as the trunk shut, it hit me, my stomach dropped and my heart rate skyrocketed. ha What was I going to do?? Both sets of my house keys are in my car because I keep forgetting to put the spare somewhere else and so I had no way to get into my house to get the spare car key. I just ran in to Wal-mart after class so I just had my wallet not my whole purse. I didn't want to have to call someone to come unlock it because that was totally embarrassing but that is what I had to do. Well, first I called my mom. haha Thank goodness we have AAA! They had a tow truck there in about 30 min. It did take them a few extra minutes to get it unlocked though because the lock on my door is a little different. It is flat against the handle and you have to push it. I tried to tell them to just pop the trunk but they were sure they could get it. They ended up just popping the trunk. :) 

I got home about an hour later than I was hoping, but it really wasn't a big deal. 

I also went all day yesterday thinking it was Thursday! What a day! haha I think it was that Monday test. I don't know what teachers are thinking when the give tests on Monday. 

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