Tuesday, December 20, 2011

mad house.

We went shopping today. We just had a few things we needed to get for last minute Christmas presents. It was a mad house. I didn't actually get what I was looking for but it's okay I can get it after Christmas. We did have some fun in the midst of the craziness. Macy and I found these lovely hats... they cost around $150.00!! yikes! Who would pay that for one of these hats?! There was about 10 different options to choose from. Crazy! 

Ridiculously large hats... I don't think even Kate Middleton could pull these off.

As many of you know, I am not a crowds person so I'm completely drained and will not be going anywhere for awhile. Tulsa is off limits until after Christmas, and even then I'm avoiding it. 

1 comment:

Elle said...

Guess what!? I picked you for the Liebster Award! Check out my post to find out more :) Happy Holidays!