Thursday, December 29, 2011


Cooper! I'm so sorry Michelle! My sister named him when I wasn't there and now everyone is calling him that and they won't change it!! I have tried all kinds of other names but everyone is calling him that and I finally just gave up. 

He is the sweetest dog! He weights about 3 pounds and isn't going to get much bigger. He is already my baby. We got him for my papa but I don't know if I'm going to be able to let him take him. He  has been sleeping with me every night and just loves to snuggle. :)

For about the first day he was very lethargic but now he is much more lively. He still sleeps ALOT but when he is awake he is hilarious and so much fun. I'm sure there will be many more pictures and stories to come of Cooper. 

First day home! 

He really is very tiny!
One of my Mom's friends at school had 5 puppies and she gave them all away except Cooper. She kept telling my mom she needed him but my mom thought differently. ha Well long story short a few weeks past and the lady ended up having to take Cooper to the local animal shelter because she couldn't take care of him. After about a week at the shelter my mom couldn't take it anymore and she went and brought him home. It was love at first sight for us all!

Welcome to the family Cooper!!

1 comment:

Elle said...

Awww what a cutie!!! My Coop would be honored to share a name :)