Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I have about 3 and half weeks of school and so I pretty much will be studying non stop for the next weeks. I have a problem though, my mind tends to wonder when I'm studying. I guess you could call it daydreaming. I was thinking about it the other day and the list of things I think about is very random. 

I want...
... to go Fishing!! 
... to go to the lake!!
... 10 pounds to just fall off my body. ha
... to just read a book for the enjoyment of reading a book.
... to go to a baseball game.
... to be done with school.
... to know what I'm talking about when people ask me questions about there animals.
... to go back to Africa.
... to sleep. (This one actually happens all the time... when I'm supposed to be studying)
... to give some of my professors some words of wisdom. 
... to go on a date.
... to be an online student. I'm convinced it would be better for me. I HATE going to class!
... a baby goat.

The list goes on...

Oh, and every guy whoever calls women moody, unpredictable, etc. should be required to take a female reproductive physiology class. Seriously, it is crazy how up and down our hormones are. And that's when they are doing what they are supposed to be doing! I'm studying it right now and it is amazing me! I ponder this one quite often... 

As you can probably tell, my mind has pretty much checked out already! And my thought are very random and unorganized!


Andrea D said...

My brain ALWAYS checked out a few weeks before school was over. So unfair how that works.
Thank you for your comment on my blog a few days ago! I'm so curious about some of the reasons you're a vegetarian. I grew up in rural Missouri and a lot of my friends were from farming families, but I don't think I met any who were vegetarians. I'd love to hear your perspective, from a veterinarian-in-training!

Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

Liz Brown said...

I want a baby goat!

I was just thinking about them the other day. We used to have some, and those babies were just too too adorable.

And, AMEN on that last part. Guys have NO clue.

Elle said...

Baby goat? Lol

I'm with ya...I'm so ready to be done! HOpe to see you in a few weeks :)

Kenz said...

Allyson you are so cute. I find myself daydreaming most of the time as well and at the most inconveiniant times even. But...schools almost out! You're so close! And then you can do all the things you were daydreaming about ;)