Tuesday, March 6, 2012

even in the hard times.

This is going to be short and sweet and to the point. I have been back and forth about posting about it but it is a real part of my life and I am all about being real.

So, I broke up with Kody this weekend. I honestly just felt like our lives are going down different paths and the paths were never coming together. God wasn't opening doors and I felt like we were drifting apart. I prayed ALOT about it and I just felt like God was telling me that this relationship was not in his plan for me. 

Nothing bad happened, I think Kody is a really good guy and it is not that I don't love him. I just think that God has other plans for both of our lives. Our relationship was very stressful for me and it shouldn't be like that. We had some really good times that I will never forget but I know that I made the right decision. It is going to take some time to adjust to though. 

When I look back at the past few months, I think that God has slowly prepared me for this. He gave me Cooper and I'm so thankful for his company. He gave me conversations with people that made me question what I really want for my future and He has never let me feel alone, which is one of the things I was a bit nervous about. 

I have the best friends and family who have supported me and it has made me realize how much I am blessed! I know that God has a plan for my life and I am excited to continue down the road he has planned for me. Sometimes it is really hard to trust Him and know what He wants you to do but I am truly trying my best. 


Elisa said...

Oh, Allyson. The right decision can be so wrenching to make. It's hard to be honest- I'm proud of you.

Elizabeth Justice said...

Allyson, I went through a similar situation. I had been with a wonderful guy for quite sometime, we had talked about getting married, but it never seemed to work out. There was nothing wrong, but it also wasn't quite right. After some thought and some prayer we decided to end it (which does not mean that it wasn't terribly gut wrenching because it totally was). For months I thought about my decision asking myself it was the right thing to do. I kept on praying for answers and I kept getting confirmed that it was the right thing to do. Then 5 months to the day I met my husband and knew immediately that he was the one that God wanted me to wait for. Stay strong, it may be very difficult for a bit, but in the end you have to do what is best for you! I am here for you if you ever need to talk. I know we may only be blog friends, but I have so much respect and admiration for you and your decision!

Elle said...

Great things are in the future :) Praying that everything continues to feel right about this.

Kenz said...

Dear Allyson,

I have been in your shoes before and I know that it is never easy to end a relationship, no matter how tiring and frustrating carrying on that relationship can be. But there is nothing in the world as comforting as the Lord, especially when our hearts are a little achy. But He is always good and because of that you'll be wrapped in His love like a warm comfy blanket.

Delight in your puppies and loved ones!

May the Lord bless you and heal your heart!

Anne588 said...

Though decision, but it makes no sense to prolong a relationship if your plans about the future drift apart. God definitely has somebody out there for you! Keep your head up!