Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Moving on.

Sorry about the little break I took there. 

I have a confession to make... I got really discouraged over this whole blogging thing for a few days. I had lots to say but nothing just seemed interesting enough. Lately I have started reading more peoples blogs and am really enjoying it. It's fun to see how other people live day to day life and fun to make new friends. I just got a bit discouraged because it seemed like every blog I look at is about newlyweds, someone planning a wedding, or about fashion. Well I do not fall under any of those categories! I'm quite far from them actually...
I do gross things and love them (and love sharing them here, after all this is all about becoming a vet)!!
Yes, that is a cows rear-end my arm is in. 

I am quite far from being fashionable. I love my flannel shirts and carhartts. 

Some of that is freckles but most of it is actual dirt. And yes, I am wearing a lovely camo hat. ha  I work outside okay?!  

I love me some cows. I don't love to eat cows, I just love 'em! There is nothing cuter than a baby calf.

My family is everything to me, and there are alot of us. There is never a dull moment when we are together. I post a lot about them as well as my animals.

Swimming in the pond/family swimming pool.

My animals are my kids. My horses (my girls) are all retired but one, and I don't have much time to ride her. They are still my therapists though. I don't know what I would do without my boys (the dogs) either. There is nothing better than coming home to a dog that is excited to see you!  

I know, weird combination. Totally cracks me up. 
I have a sweet, weird, funny, supportive boyfriend who loves me very much. 

I also rarely proofread my posts. (Sorry Aunt Caroline)

So, as you can see, I'm not exactly the average blogger but I do have some normal stuff about me. I do have a lot of fun stuff to share and I just had to remind myself why I started this in the first place, to journal my journey through vet school and be able to share what is happening on the farm with family that lives far away. I didn't ever think of having followers or people who actually wanted to read it. It was for me. I'm just being myself, grammar errors and all. I'm always surprised to see how many visits I have everyday though, and I love it. Thanks to the 25 or so of you who stop by everyday. 

I love ya and am going to try to make more time to share stories! Each one of you inspires me to keep writing! 


Emily said...

Allyson! I don't know how you have time to be a vet and a blogger. Excellent pictures and commentary. I consider you one of the most faithful bloggers that I know. Keep em coming, cowgirl.

Elle said...

I am a fan of blogs that ARE different. I get tired of reading the same thing over and over again so I enjoy reading about your different life :) Keep it up.

p.s. love the pic of Gus! too cute!

Allyson said...

Thanks Emily! I actually enjoy it, or maybe it is just another way to procrastinate.

Allyson said...

Thanks! I really enjoy sharing all my stories, and I enjoy reading your blog as well. :)

Shari said...

Aww Ally.. you bring me to tears... You are what keeps me an Okie! Love you!

Allyson said...

Love you too Miss Shari! Miss you!

Unknown said...

Could you be any cuter?! Haha sorry to gush, but seriously. Your pictures are awesome and I'm SO glad you decided to stay in the game. Your blog is uniquely you and just... right. I've got a feeling about you - one day you'll be famous! And make a huge difference in the world as a vet/blogger.

You and your BF are perfect together too, btw, he *looks* completely head-over-heels for his cowgirl. (Just thought I should round off this comment with just one more gush session.)

Good for you for not giving up and again, I'm really glad you didn't. You know what? I think ALL of us bloggers get to feeling that way at times. I know I do more often than not, actually. It's hard to turn off that nagging doubt once it starts up. The trick is ...(should I say it? Or will you banish me from comments altogether for over-cheese? ...Naw, what could it hurt?) The trick is getting back on the horse. ;D

Hope you keep it up lots and lots!

Allyson said...

I was just so touched by all your sweet comments when I logged in this afternoon. Thank you so much!! I really do enjoy blogging most of the time just needed to remind myself why I started this and that blogging is all about being yourself. :)