Monday, January 9, 2012

workin' woman.

So, today was my first day back at school. I had mixed emotions about getting started again. I sure have enjoyed not studying but I also am ready to be done, so you can see how I was torn. When I left this morning though I was NOT excited. It didn't make it any easier that I have decided to try to keep Cooper here with me. I am absolutely loving the company but it is awful hard to leave him here by himself. 

My classes are looking to be pretty interesting and better than last semester so that is encouraging. I'm sure my opinion will change in the coming weeks but I'm trying to keep an optimistic viewpoint.

Over break I worked in the eggroom every day that we grade eggs. We spent Christmas day grading eggs and ended up spending New Years day as well. Our employees were to hungover to work even though they knew they were supposed to work. I really didn't mind working though. I needed the money and it really isn't all that bad. Here are a few pictures of the process. I took pictures of every step this summer to share but never got around to it and don't want to bore you now. 

Chickens! (Cage free)

Worst job ever... candling. The eggs roll over a light and we look for cracks and other bad things. Very monotonous!

Heading to the packer,  where they will be placed in cartons or flats.

Ready to be boxed up and taken to customers!

We have a good time usually listening to music and talking so it really can be pretty fun! I won't be making it my lifelong career though. ;)


Elle said...

I feel ya on returning to school. I don't start up until Thursday but I am dreading it. Just a few more years and we will be done!!! Seems so far off tho :(

Ly said...

I use to hate going back to school but now that I'm no longer a student I really wish I was haha.

I've never seen an egg plant so thanks for the pictures :)

Allyson said...

Just a few more years... I'm sure they will fly by, but right now it does seem very far off! :(

Allyson said...

I can't imagine wanting to go back to school, but maybe someday. haha

Glad you enjoyed the pictures. We have about 30,000 laying hens at the farm. :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)