Saturday, February 4, 2012

winter wheat.

When we walked out of church today, I think the temperature had dropped about 20 degrees. Goodness, it was cold! 

So, naturally, we still went on a walk with the dogs. We bundled up and headed out.

This picture cracks me up. Gus has head turned almost all the way around, looking for Cooper and us. ha

The only coat he had was his fire jacket... 
The wheat is really pretty right now. It's so green! Especially since everything else is so brown. 

The dogs had quite a time running around in it.

My camera couldn't keep up with Gussy...

Love these boys!

I couldn't keep up with Cooper either. He was like a little rabbit, hopping around!  He was soaked and tired in about 10 sec. 

It was just a short walk since this is basically in my front yard but we had fun.

We laid around the rest of the afternoon. My dad started a fire in the fireplace and it was a very relaxing afternoon. :)

Kody and I went to the only place within 30 minutes of us for supper, Pizza Hut. ha It was a hot date. ha It was perfect to me though. :) We are now watching Beauty and the Beast (that's right... I said Beauty and the Beast) and I'm about to start studying. We are such party animals... 

Now for some fun news! :)

I have been looking for a fun linkup to participate in. It will be my first! :) 

I'm looking forward to (and slightly nervous about) the vlog linkup over at Erin and Ashley's! It should be interesting... hopefully it will help you get to know me a little better and you won't think I am a total bore.


Should be fun and you guys should join in! :)

Well I better get to studying!


Kerrie Williams said...

yay! I'm glad you are linking up too! I'm just as nervous :)

... said...

You are adorable!! :) Ah how sweet are these pictures! Yay thanks for spreading the word and I am so excited you are going to link up!! What kind of dog is the little white one?! I'm in a search for a pup!

Allyson said...

Thanks! :) Cooper was an "accident" so he is from the shelter but he is half toy poodle and half shi tzu. He is the sweetest thing! and not yappy like you would expect. He is pretty much fully grown and not much bigger than a football. Just like an alive stuffed animal. :)